Join Uptown Players this December for the regional premiere of A Queer Carol, an LGBTQ+ adaptation of the Charles Dickens' classic. Written by Joe Godfrey, this contemporary retelling delves into the downward spiral of Ben Scrooge and Jake Marley, who were partners in life as well as in their interior design business. Set in modern-day Manhattan, the story follows "Ben" Scrooge, a prominent interior decorator, and his assistant Bob Cratchit, who endures the abuses of Scrooge while simultaneously trying to take care of his lover, Tim.
With humorous twists on the three Ghosts, including an over-the-top drag queen as the Ghost of Christmas Present, this retelling through a queer lens follows Ebenezer Scrooge’s as a journey of self-discovery and redemption. This production promises to be a festive and thought-provoking experience, showcasing themes of love, acceptance, and the true spirit of Christmas. Don't miss this chance to see a holiday classic reimagined!