Why Donate to Uptown Players
Uptown Players depends on donations from our friends, family, and audiences to create our distinctive theater productions. Ticket sales alone can't pay for the work we do. Even with our secret recipe of thrift, ingenuity, and dependable volunteer labor, box office income only pays for half to three-quarters of what you see on stage.
Uptown Players is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and gratefully accepts individual, corporate, foundation and government contributions. We commit to keeping our ticket prices low. Tickets sales cover only a portion of our annual expenses. Contributions make up the difference. Your tax-deductible gift truly makes a difference!
Annual Operations Fund
This fund drive help cover daily and production expenses. If you like the quality of customer service and/or the quality of our productions, your dollar here helps us achieve the excellence you deserve..
Mail to:
Uptown Players
PO Box 192264
Dallas, TX 75219
Or make a secure, tax-deductible donation now via our box office ticketing system.
Corporate Giving
Uptown Players sponsorships provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to the Dallas arts community while receiving a variety of recognition opportunities and tangible marketing benefits. Please contact Craig Lynch at craiglynch@uptownplayers.org for more information.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts are a great way to make a lasting impact for the future of the Uptown Players. You may leave legacy gifts in the form of bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance designations, IRA/ retirement plans and charitable gift annuities. With special tax advantages, planned gifts allow you to meet your personal financial objectives while making a significant impact on the artistic future of Uptown Players. Gifts from estates of all sizes are appreciated.
Other Giving Opportunities
Employer Match Programs
One call could double your donation! Take advantage of employer match programs and maximize your contribution. Contact your Human Resources department to determine if your company matches charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations.
AmazonSmile Foundation
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. If you shop at amazon.com, simply switch to amazonsmile.com and designate Uptown Players as your charitable organization.
Donate your Time
Volunteers are crucial to the success and operation of all nonprofit's. Click here to learn more about The Uptown Players Guild opportunities and benefits!
Gifts in Kind
Donations of goods and services can help defray operating and production costs or generate revenue at our annual Broadway Our Way Raffle. Your donations are tax-deductible for the full fair-market value of the
item. Some examples of gifts in kind are listed below:
Airline Miles or Hotel Vouchers for guest artists or auction prizes
Lowe’s, Home Depot, or Office Depot Gift Cards
Donating Services to the Broadway Our Way Raffle
To learn more about these giving opportunities, please contact AMY FISHER HUGHES at afisher314@yahoo.com